Actor, anchor, RJ and director Balaji is quickly to direct a brand new movie with actor Suriya. RJ Balaji posted on his social media to verify it. Additionally, a pooja for the movie titled “Suriya 45” was held on November 27, 2024. Subsequently, the images taken through the puja additionally went viral on the web.
Subsequent Updates!!
To the shock of Suriya followers who had been ready for the discharge of the replace of ‘Suriya 45’ yesterday, Dream Warriors Photos, the manufacturing firm of this movie, introduced that cinematographer GK Vishnu has joined the movie via the poster. It’s noteworthy that he has beforehand labored as a cinematographer in movies like “Mersal, Jawaan, Krack, Gilladi”.
Sai Abhyankkar in Suriya 45!
Right this moment, Sai Abhyankkar, son of Kollywood’s main singer couple Tippu and Harini, has joined palms because the music composer of “Suriya 45” who has been magnetically attracting music followers on the web together with his revolutionary songs. Sai Abhyankkar, who celebrates the Gen Z era, is already set to go to Kollywood as a music director within the movie Benz, written by director Lokesh Kanagaraj and directed by Pakyaraj Kannan.